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12/11/2024 - DHA Asks that Priorities be Included in Congressional Year-End Package 06/30/2024 - DHA Updates Position on HS 1 for HB 383 with Senate Amendment 1 (340B) 06/24/2024 - DHA Comments on 340B bill (HS 1 for HB 383) 06/25/2024 - DHA Comments on DIMER bill HB 432 06/25/2024 - Support for HB 362 Doula Coverage 06/18/2024 - DHA Support for SB 309, Uniform Health Care Decisions 06/13/2024 - DHA Concerns with Excluding Hospitals from HS 1 for HB 383 (340B nondiscrimination) 06/12/2024 - DHA Support for Vision Screenings 06/12/2024 - DHA Support for HB 426 DOC Birth Plan 06/11/2024 - DHA Opposes SB 273 Legalizing the Sale of Raw Milk 06/04/2024 - DHA Letter to Congresswoman Blunt Rochester on 340B 05/21/2024 - DHA Weighs in on HB 394, Health Resources Board 05/21/2024 - DHA Support for Lyme Disease Prevention 05/21/2024 - DHA Supports HS 2 for HB 125 Free School Meals 05/15/2024 - DHA Support for HB 10, Prior Authorization Reform 05/13/2024 - DHA Letter on HB 350 05/07/2024 - DHA Letter to Senate Committee on HS 2 for HB 350 05/07/2024 - Organizations Join Letter of Opposition to HB 350 03/27/2024 - DHA Opposes HS 1 for House Bill 350 03/27/2024 - DHA Support for SB 13, Provider Assessment 03/27/2024 - DHA Supports Protecting Providers of Gender-Affirming Care 03/26/2024 - DHA Support for Mammograms without Referral (HB 253) 03/26/2024 - DHA Support for HB 313 DOC Mammograms 03/21/2024 - DHA Hospital Board Chairs Oppose House Bill 350 03/20/2024 - DHA Supports HB 345 Postpartum Doula Access 03/13/2024 - DHA Support for Bureau of Health Equity 03/13/2024 - DHA Support for Community Benefit bill (HB 326) 03/13/2024 - DHA Support for HB 333 Creating an AI Commission 03/13/2024 - DHA Support for MIH/Community Paramedicine 03/13/2024 - DHA Support for OTC Contraceptives 03/05/2024 - DHA Support for SB 143 Prompt Payment 03/05/2024 - DHA Supports HS 1 for HB 5 Relating to School Based Behavioral Health Reimbursement 03/05/2024 - DHA Supports SB 220 Third-Party Payers and Medicaid 03/05/2024 - DHA Concerns with Definitions in SB 127, Board Requirements on Patient Abuse 02/19/2024 - DHA Letter to JFC on FY25 Budget Requests 01/24/2024 - DHA Support for SB 207 Xylazine Testing Strips 01/22/2024 - DHA Support for HB 273 Coverage of Speech Therapy 01/17/2024 - DHA Support for SB 199 Clarification to Medical Debt Protection Act 01/17/2024 - DHA Support for SB 204 Enhancing the Adult Medicaid Dental Benefit 01/17/2024 - DHA Support for SB 194 HIV PrEP/PEP 12/22/2023 - DHA Support for SB 195 on the DMOST Program


06/26/2023 - DHA Opposes HB 242, Hospital Visitation Policy 06/20/2023 - DHA Opposes Training Mandate in HB 227 06/14/2023 - DHA Supports SB 165, Collaborative Pharmacy Practice 06/14/2023 - DHA Supports HB 193, Concussion Policies 06/14/2023 - DHA Supports Rare Disease Advisory Council, SB 55 05/17/2023 - DHA Concerns with SS1 for SB 8, Medical Debt 05/17/2023 - DHA Supports SB 116 PA Compact 05/17/2023 - DHA Supports HB 136 Preceptor Tax Credit 05/16/2023 - DHA Supports Cover All DE Children Act 05/16/2023 - DHA Comments on End of Life Bill (HB 140) 05/16/2023 - DHA Concerns with HB 154 Data Privacy 05/10/2023 - DHA Supports HB 3 and HB 4, Student Mental Health 05/10/2023 - DHA Supports SB 106, Maternal Mental Health 05/03/2023 - DHA Supports SB 68, Child Seats 05/03/2023 - DHA Supports SB 86, Motorcycle Helmets 05/03/2023 - DHA Supports HB 200, Mental Health Units for DE High Schools 05/03/2023 - DHA Supports SB 98, Health Care Provider Loan Repayment Program 04/25/2023 - SB 80 Immigration Status for Licenses 03/28/2023 - DHA Supports SB 52, Needle Exchange 03/15/2023 - DHA Supports HB 80, Coverage of Doula Services 03/08/2023 - DHA Supports SB 43 to Expand Locations for Human Trafficking Awareness Signs 03/07/2023 - DHA Supports HB 54, Epinephrine Autoinjectors 03/07/2023 - DHA Supports HB 60, Breast Cancer Screening and Diagnostic Procedures 03/06/2023 - DHA Supports Digital Right to Repair Act, HB 41 01/25/2023 - DHA Opposes Recreational Marijuana Legislation (HB 1 and HB 2)


06/20/2022 - DHA Supports HS 2 for HB 344 Cultural Competency and Implicit Bias Training 06/08/2022 - DHA Supports SB 300 05/11/2022 - DHA Supports HB 334 with HA1 04/12/2022 - DHA Supports HB 303 Behavioral Health Well Check 04/05/2022 - DHS Supports HB 320, PA and APRN Prescribing 03/23/2022 - DHA Supports Central Service Technician Bill (HB 279) 03/07/2022 - DHA Strongly Supports HB 324, Taking a Stand Against Violence to Health Care Workers 01/26/2022 - DHA Opposes HB 305, Recreational Marijuana 01/25/2022 - DHA Requests HIPAA Exemption on HB 262 01/18/2022 - DHA Opposes HB 140, End of Life Options 01/11/2022 - DHA Supports HB 280 Training CNAs


08/09/2021 - DHA Letter to Congress Supporting TROA HR 1577 07/30/2021 - DHA Urges Support Provider Relief Fund Deadline Extension 07/19/2021 - DHA Thanks Congressional Delegation for NOPAIN Act Support 04/27/2021 - DHA Supports APRN Companion Bill (HB 141) 04/20/2021 - DHA Supports the Telehealth Access Preservation & Modernization Act (HB 160) 03/31/2021 - DHA Supports HB 129 School Based Health Centers 03/24/2021 - DHA Raises Concerns with Recreational Marijuana Bill (HB 150) 03/24/2021 - DHA Supports Guardianship Fee Bill (SB 85) 03/08/2021 - DHA Supports SB 32 Preventing Discrimination 02/23/2021 - DHA Testimony Before JFC Supporting the Health Care Provider Loan Repayment Program 02/16/2021 - DHA Letter to Congress Outlines Priorities in Next COVID Relief Package 01/26/2021 - DHA Supports HB 21, APRN Compact 01/26/2021 - DHA Supports HB 33, Physician Assistants 01/26/2021 - DHA Supports Equal Rights Amendment SB 31 01/19/2021 - DHA Supports HB 48 Creating a Health Care Provider Loan Repayment Program


06/23/2020 - DHA Supports SB 246, Allowing Hospitals to Petition for Guardian for Non-Acute Patients 06/16/2020 - DHA Supports HB 348 to Extend Telehealth Flexibility 05/07/2020 - DHA Letter to Congress Urging COVID-19 Relief 02/12/2020 - DHA Supports House Ways & Means Surprise Billing approach (HR 5826) 01/29/2020 - DHA Supports Surprise Billing bill (HB 286) 01/22/2020 - DHA Supports Physician Assistants Bill, HB 169 01/21/2020 - DHA Supports HB 144, Penalties for Violence to Health Care Workers


12/09/2019 - DHA Urges Delaware Delegation to Reject Rate Setting in Surprise Billing Proposals 07/10/2019 - DHA Weighs in on Surprise Medical Billing, Opposes Rate Setting 06/26/2019 - DHA Support for Urgent Care Bill, SB 171 06/26/2019 - DHA Supports SS 1 for SB 116 Primary Care Collaborative 06/19/2019 - DHA Supports SB 154, Regarding Services for Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 04/08/2019 - DHA Supports HB 61 Benzodiazepine Drug Bill 04/09/2019 - DHA Supports SB 35 on Health Insurance Consumer Protections 04/10/2019 - DHA Opposes SB 24 & SB 59 on Medical Marijuana 04/11/2019 - DHS Supports HB 58 to Bring More Nurses to Delaware 04/15/2019 - DHA Letter on SB 60 Relating to the Trafficking of Juveniles 05/07/2019 - DHA Supports Introduction of Health Care Workplace Violence Prevention Bill 06/04/2019 - DHA Supports Bill Establishing the DE Perinatal Quality Collaborative 04/15/2019 - DHA Letter on HB 102, Human Trafficking 04/17/2019 - DHA Opposes SB 15 - Lyme Disease 05/09/2019 - HB 105 Comments on Health Costs 05/07/2019 - DHA Supports HB 146 on Health Insurance Claims/Reimbursement Process 06/11/2019 - DHA Supports HB 172 Psychology Compact 06/04/2019 - DHA Supports Dental Coverage for Adult Medicaid Recipients 04/11/2019 - DHA Supports Medical Guardianship Bill 06/11/2019 - DHA Supports SB 83, Physical Therapy Licensure Compact 03/22/2019 - DHA Supports Substitute to SB 50 for Delaware Tech 02/28/2019 - DHA Supports SB 25 Raising the Tobacco Sale Age to 21
1280 S Governors Avenue, Dover, DE 19904 | 302.674.2853

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