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DHA Supports SB 35 on Health Insurance Consumer Protections

DHA sent a letter of support to the sponsors of SB 35, a bill that would incorporate into Delaware law certain health insurance consumer protection provisions established by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA). Specifically, the SB 35 prohibits insurance plans and policies from denying or limiting coverage for an individual based on preexisting provisions and incorporates the ACA’s guaranteed issue and availability of coverage and permissible rating provisions into Delaware law. Given the recent court challenges to the ACA, it is important for Delaware to maintain these consumer protections allowing all Delawareans to have access to health insurance regardless of their medical history. Those with health insurance see their doctors more frequently and address ailments earlier than those without insurance, leading to better health outcomes. 

Click here to read DHA's letter.

1280 S Governors Avenue, Dover, DE 19904 | 302.674.2853

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