The Chief Medical Officers and Chief Nursing Officers of each of Delaware’s general acute care and pediatric hospitals recently joined together to send Delawareans an important safety message regarding COVID-19. In a joint letter featured in several Delaware media publications, our physician and nurse leaders called on every Delawarean to join in taking the necessary steps to prevent the spread of this deadly virus. This is vitally important as COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations are increasing throughout our state.
The key precautions all Delawareans must follow are to wear a mask, stay at least 6 feet apart, avoid crowds and gatherings (large and small), and wash your hands or use hand sanitizer frequently. Delaware hospitals and healthcare facilities will continue to do their part to keep their patients, visitors and healthcare workers safe. They do this by requiring staff, patients and visitors to follow public safety protocols, including mask-wearing, screenings upon entry to these facilities, and limitation of visitors.
The message is clear: we must all work together to keep each other safe and alive, including celebrating the upcoming holidays safely!
Click here to read the letter in the News Journal.
Click here to read the letter in the Delaware State News.