March 30, 2020
Christina Crooks Bryan
Cell: 302-245-1638,
Office: (302) 674-2853
Delaware Healthcare Association Calls Governor Carney’s Order to Redirect Child Care Center Resources a Good Decision
(DOVER, DE – March 30, 2020) Delaware Healthcare Association President and CEO Wayne Smith released the following statement today in support of Governor John Carney’s
eight modification to his State of Emergency declaration:
“Governor Carney’s announcement that he will redirect child care center resources to support families of essential employees is a good decision," said Wayne A. Smith, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Delaware Healthcare Association. "The children of health care, first responders, and other essential workers must have a secure and supportive place to go so their parents can continue to aggressively respond to the COVID-19 pandemic on behalf of all Delawareans. We appreciate Governor Carney’s response to the needs of Delaware’s hospital and health care workers at this extraordinary time.”
About the Delaware Healthcare Association
The Delaware Healthcare Association (DHA) was formed in 1967 to assist Delaware hospitals in working on issues concerning health care and the hospital industry.DHA is a statewide trade and membership services organization that serves as a leader in the promotion of effective change in health services through collaboration and consensus building on health care issues at the State and Federal levels.DHA’s vision is to be the leading and respected voice for hospitals and health care delivery systems in Delaware working together to deliver compassionate, accessible, high quality, financially sustainable health care to the patients and communities they serve.DHA’s mission is to provide policy and advocacy leadership in creating an excellent environment for enabling every Delawarean to be as healthy as theycan be.