May 13, 2024
Christina Crooks Bryan
Cell: 302-245-1638
DHA, Delaware Lawmakers Agree to Improvements in HB 350
(Dover, DE – May 13, 2024) Delaware Healthcare Association (DHA) President and CEO Brian Frazee today sent the
following letter to members of the General Assembly:
May 13, 2024
Dear Members of the Delaware General Assembly,
Based on the forthcoming Senate amendments to HB 350, the Delaware Healthcare Association (DHA) stands neutral on HB 350 and will no longer actively oppose the bill at this time.
Important changes to HB 350 include:
- modifying the reference-based pricing provision in a way that prevents an immediate $360 million cut from Delaware hospitals and health systems;
- allowing flexibility in the healthcare spending benchmark that hospitals will be measured against;
- requiring the state to clarify the process and important factors to be considered in the performance improvement plan process; and
- removing the board’s ability to seize hospital assets.
While these amendments reduce the immediate harm to our state’s hospitals and healthcare systems, and their employees and patients, we have been consistent and unequivocal with the sponsors and others on our opposition to other components of this legislation.
DHA remains deeply concerned about the remaining provisions in HB 350, including creating a politically-appointed oversight board with the potential to modify and approve hospital budgets. The members of DHA reserve rights to remedy this legislation if passed. We will continue our work to ensure Delaware hospitals can meet their obligation and commitment to provide access to high- quality care to our patients and the communities we serve.
On behalf of our member hospitals, health systems, and healthcare-related organizations, DHA appreciates the amendments that improve HB 350 made by Governor Carney’s administration, Speaker Longhurst, and Majority Leader Townsend.
Thank you for your attention to this vital issue.
Brian Frazee
President & CEO
Delaware Healthcare Association